Graphic Design


I chose to create a magazine page and apply a photo montage with a quote. The photos are a kid on skateboard, skater in the middle of a trick, and some longboards. I photo shopped the 3 top pictures onto one file first to edit it and then embedded it onto the right side of the magazine. This idea fits perfect because I imagined I was creating a page for a skateboarding magazine such as Thrasher or TransWorld that sends a message. Small messages that the pictures send. For example, I chose the kid because when I was the same age I looked up too older skaters and learned a lot from it. When you skate, I guarantee you’re going to fall, but you still got to get back up on your feet and keep grinding. That is how I interpreted it and tried to send a message as, but from different perspectives people will see it differently as I did.

When I was creating this image, I took into consideration the color importance of the photo.  The first time I saw the picture with the young kid standing with his board made think about the pictures I had as a kid with my skateboard. Immediately I knew I wanted to incorporate a filter that give the photo same age. Each image had its own sort of portrait and the colors were analogous   Also, with the longboard photo I wanted to add some saturation to make it look sort of vintage and blend with the wood vibe from the boards. There wasn’t too much organizing when I was choosing different colors to add in because when I think of skateboarding, I think about randomness and being spontaneous, but I think the colors fit well.

I found the pictures on the Flickr and used creative commons licensing’s. Photoshop was easier to use now having a bit of experience. The main tools I used to help cut out, paste, and edit the different parts were the lasso tool (all of them) and style forms to edit the pictures. The hardest part of all it was cutting the little character out at the bottom of the original magazine picture and resizing it to fit with the top three photos onto a new file. Luckily, I had the Lasso tool but routing was another challenge I faced. I figured out I could use the blur tool a bit to help avoid the extra pixilation. Overall, the beginning of the project was a challenge but as I continued to work, I got a lot better and familiarized myself with photoshop and I think it went well from there. I tried to give each photo a different feeling and emotion based on what I felt about it, and I added the quote to visually send a message. I enjoyed creating this piece and expressing my thoughts visually.

@Creative Commons:




A Skater’s Paradise

Skating has evolved from a wooden box on all four’s to a highly dynamic board that can reach up to 20 mph, and even has its own sport today. The most popular in today’s culture are skateboarding and long-boarding, and  as for me, well I just can’t choose.  I’ve had a board in my hand since I could walk, and it surely hasn’t changed today. Now I’m not saying I’m some sort of Ryan Schekler or Paul Rodriguez, but I been skating for quite and I can teach you a couple things. I love hitting different spots everywhere I go and free roam listening to music. Skating was my main transportation growing up and it still certainly helps me get around campus.

When I get asked about think of things I like to talk about skating always comes to mind. Most people I know have skated before of know how to skate, and it’s kind of like riding a bike and it is the reason I chose this topic. I enjoy seeing the latest trends in its sports and new board designs released by skaters and brand names. Also, I figured why not look into this sport more and maybe work with my own design’s for my projects. I am a DTC major and want to someday work with graphic design, and when I connected those two, I wanted to see what I can come up with. Skating never caught my attention because it was sort of a habit for me, and more natural. But now I can engage learning more about the culture, latest sports, and profesesionals. Our campus if perfect for roaming and hitting spots, and I know what a view I can make of them. 

One idea for the upcoming projects is a complete board design. I want to design a board for a brand name I have always loved, or create a whole new design for myself that represents me as a artist.  Another idea I had was a video montage of skating clips or my own roaming’s around campus that shows the best spots I know, and the biggest hills to hit the races. I was thinking a first-hand perspective that catches the beauty of our campus and enhances its best spots.

This is one of the biggest names in the skateboarding industry and sports world that I personally follow for their promotion of professional skaters, and newest boards

This is a long boarding store I have recently ordered from and started following because of their great adventures and awesome designs.

Bam Margera has always been an idol of mine and I have always wore his own personal brand name Element. Also, I love seeing his latest post and adventures.