Final Draft Video

The original draft I had created I focused more on the skating aspect of the sport, rather than the inspirational and joy of the sport. I wanted to create a video that inspires others to skate, and explain why skaters within the community skate and things they like about skating. I also wanted to answer questions many new skaters might have by asking other skaters questions I thought might be brought up. I wanted other skater’s experiences and things they think may be important information to new skaters, such as never giving up because it is hard to pick up. The idea came from watching montages and researching what was most asked and talked about interviews similar, like with professional skaters and documentaries. I wanted to express to others how I felt about skating, like how it is a way to escape, forget about my problems and enjoy the world around me. After my peer revision and looking at my draft rubric, I saw I was missing some interviews which I added. During the process of creation, the main tools I used were the effects, razor and video trimmer tool. I didn’t edit each clip to much, rather than trimming the beginning of the interviews. My interviewees answered these similarly as to my narrations During the interview process, I asked a series of questions that I also talked about, such as when I started skating, what board I had first, my favorite thing about skating, and why I skate. I lowered the background music to fit with the voice overs and chose a song I thought fit the tempo and vibe of skating. My filming took place at Stephenson, where I live, and around campus a bit. I did not add as many actions shots as I did before, but I replaced them with more important information like others motives and inspirations.

Music: SoundCloud Creative Commons use for modification and commercial use

Sokar Beats. (2012). Come on Take Me Over. (Song/Beat). United States. SoundCloud

Draft Video

The idea for my project came from watching video montages of professional skaters as research, and throughout my own life skating. The influence mainly came from skaters recognition films. Instead of focusing on tricks and getting promotions, I wanted to focus on the true passion   and love for the sport rather than the promotions and business aspects. I wanted to show that skating isn’t all about the tricks and style, its about the freedom and joy you receive from it that makes skating so amazing. It is away to escape, forget about life, and enjoy your own world, at least the way I think about it. Each clip I individually edited and cut.  All the filming was taken place outside of Stephenson and I filmed it using a camera from Media center. The main tools I used were the Trim tools and effects. I added effects to almost every clip. I also used effects for the clip transitions and audio transitions. For both audio and video, I added a fade away and dip to black trying to show the start and end of the video. The hardest part of this assignment was trying to free hand record and stabilize the camera as best as possible without a tripod or stabilizer. The hardest part of the video editing was editing each individual clip and aligning them to flow with the music and each other. I found that editing them separately in by double-clicking the clip and then adding them is a lot easier and precise. The music to the song was found on Soundcloud and is a commercially modifiable source. I used the song because I think it is a perfect fit with the beat and tempo to the video and accompanies the sport itself. I wanted music that was not to slow, which would bore the viewer and not fit the vibe of the video, but this tempo seemed perfectly upbeat for this type of sequence.


Music: Soundcloud Creative Commons Commercial use and Modification

Come Take Me Over – Sokar Beats


Draft Story

Sample Storyboard: Enjoy the Ride

Visual Elements Audio Elements
0:00-0:20  Long shot of campus where students are walking to classes Fade-in music and soothing beat
0:21-0:40 Another long shot of the dorms representing the setting Continuing flow in music and audio transition from 1st two scenes
0:40-0:50  Opening shot of character asleep Description of audio elements at this time
0:51-1:00  Character now wakes up and gets ready Quite, Ambient sounds trying to mock the early silence of waking up
1:01-1:20  Looks at time and its time for class New upbeat music starts as his day is starting
1:21-1:40  Grabs skateboard and goes to class Music continues but now hits main chorus which is more upbeat and action-filling
1:41-2:00 Shots of his adventure, good action shots and change in setting. Continuing music as he enjoys his ride and mission to class


Final Audio Story

I decided to edit my story with my voice narration over the recordings, and a calm, happy song in the background. For the final draft audio story, I used the same recordings as the draft but added a welcoming statement. The story is still a simple interview with some friends of mine who skate as well and enjoy talking. Many of the interviews conducted with professional skaters and random interviewees tend to lean towards personal questions and responses. which was what i was aiming for. I asked a few questions pertaining to the interviewees skating life and some influences on it. I did not receive feedback due to my draft being turned in late, but after it was graded and revising it myself, I decided I needed an introductory statement and some music to avoid so much silence. The creation itself was difficult at first, using the tools and such, but it got easier once I continued editing different recordings. The tools I mainly used were the fade tool, razor tool and clicker tool. I edited the main questions I believed were the most important otherwise the interview would have been ten minutes. The tough part was deciding which part of the recordings are crucial for the interview, but after multiple cuts, the ones I chose fit my idea the best. I wanted to portray the interviewees experience and reflect upon them in a way. The basic Q’s and A’s answered guided the interviewee in the story telling direction, considering the amount of time given to talk. My inspiration from this project goes way back to when I would watch professional skaters, who I looked up to, talk about their influence and experience with the sport. I wanted to do the same, but with normal people and random skaters who represent the skating community. Overall, this project allowed me to understand how to work audition and work with the best sound quality in order to sound as professional as possible.

Draft Audio Story

I decided to create a story with my voice narration over the recordings for the draft audio story. The story is a simple interview with one of my close friends who also skate and myself. After researching and exploring the skating world, I discovered many stories and audio recordings much like this project tend to be interviews, such as mine, and I wanted to create me own. I also learned that many of the interviews conducted by talk show and interviews with athletes lean towards their path and story about how they got started, so it was a perfect fit for this project. The inspiration behind this draft goes back a quite a few years where I was influenced the most which essentially influenced the choice for this draft. As a kid, I always watched and listened to sports talk show host interviewing many athletes I knew and grew up admiring. It is something that I have always taking interest in and has always intrigued me because of all their different stories. I love talking and learning about people, especially when I can listen to their story because everyone has their own unique story. This interview focused on some basic Q&A’s that allows the participant, and myself the ability to tell their story freely. A few basic questions that will help them tell their own story and their history with skating. I created this draft with some main tools like the razer and fade in-and-out tool. The toughest part of this creation was aligning the questions evenly with the answers so it seemed like a smooth, realistic interview which matches during transitions and pauses. The solution was simply time conservation and repetition to perfect it best I could. This interview was intended to act much similarly to a talk show or podcast, but with a slight narration. Overall, the start of the project was tough but it started flowing and this is the draft.


Final Logo


 This is the final revision for my logo project assignment. After multiple drafts and peer revisions, I created this logo to promote the company’s world awareness, something I noticed many skating companies lacked to advertise as I was researching for motivation. Initially, the original draft was intended to motivate my creation and give me ideas, but instead, it influenced the whole basis of the project with some additions. I chose to keep the idea because as I kept deleting designs and creating new ones, I played with multiple effects, symbols, object tools and got very familiarized. Things started sparking and I eventually realized I should stick with my original idea because it was the best way to express what I was trying to promote, and it was my first idea which is usually always your best. The main tools I used were the pen tools, color panels, shape tools, symbols, layers, stroke, character, alignment tool, and object effects. As I was recreating the draft, I found the 3D-effect and applied it to the draft world. I divided a circle, deleted one half, and applied the effect which created current 3D world in the logo. After extensive research on tips about using illustrator, I learned how to use symbols and create my own. The cool things about symbols is that you can apply them as effects and I did by creating my own which is the continents around the world. I applied the symbol within the 3D effect and the final product turned out great. I then decided to make the world a character and gave him sunglasses and pair of arms. Originally, I had my world divided by the brand name, but it took up too much wasted space so instead I created my character holding some of the companies’ boards. I created the boards in a separate file and added them to my artwork, which I imported into the final. After the center piece was created, I then applied the outside circle design we learned about in the tutorials with the eclipse tool and aligned it with my character. I used the type on path tool and designed my companies name and centered it. To align it with the ring, I created a separate circle with no fill but edited the stroke to fit the lettering. I created a banner and aligned it at the bottom just covering about 1/4 of the world and wrote ‘Boards’ to finish my logo name. The color choices did not come to the very end besides the actual colors of the world. I really like yellow and tried to represent a gold label, hence the gold and stars, which I tried to align best I could. Red goes well with the whole color aspect so I chose to apply it. Overall, this project was tough for me because it was hard trying to ace it. I took me forever and multiple, multiple drafts. There were so many things I wanted to incorporate to express the skating aspect of it and the final logo does what I initially wanted it too. I wanted it to represent its world connection and awareness to all its customers and fit the skating type. The world was perfect but turning him into a cool little character holding his boards kicking back was even better. Also, I saw many companies with their own characters such as World Industries and Alien workshop, so I thought my own character would fit perfectly. I really enjoyed creating this project because I learned how to use many tools and learned about many tools functions playing around while I created multiple drafts. It was tough but I eventually nailed it with a project I think represents my original idea.



World Continents

Draft Logo

beezy-logoI chose to create this logo for my hypothetical company called Beezy Boards. I wanted to show how this company is connected worldwide and offers a variety of services. I saw many companies didn’t try promote and emphasize their participation worldwide which people like to see. I wanted this logo to promote those connections, hence the world in the background. The main tools I used to create the logo were the shape building tool, type and pen tool.  I did not use any other photos for this logo, it was created from scratch with the tools at hand. The world I created was a serious of points in which I tried to duplicate the continents. I then moved the points around the edges best I could to align with the world in the background and grouped the images. I then created a little banner type stripe for my logo name and placed my brand name over it, and grouped it. The board I created at the bottom was created with the oval shape tool. I typed board in the shape with the area text tools and found a unique, intriguing graphic style for the board which I used but changed colors. The hardest part of this creation was starting the project. I started off by creating the world first and tried placing objects over and finishing onward like that, but I learned that does not work so well like it did in photo shop. I learned that you have to create each little individual piece by itself and slowly work your way up. It helped my preciseness through the creation of this logo, which is still a working progress. Overall,  it was a rocky start at first, but as I got more familiarized with the program and things started flowing, the final draft was as a good start to a great logo.