
Hello, my name is Gonzalo Guerrero and I am a Digital Technology and Culture major, and also planning to minor in Business. I am 19 years old and currently a freshman at Washington State University. I come from the small town of Quincy in Central Washington. My family consist of 8 siblings, four sisters and brothers. I am a Mexican-American and first generation college student who plans on graduating and earning a degree. I graduated with a class of 180 students and come from a very small town. For fun, I learned to love the outdoors, music, and sports. I was a three-sport athlete in high school and made it to the WIAA state tennis tournament my senior year. During the summer I work at The Gorge Amphitheater as a guard or usher  I enjoy the recreation center playing basketball and tennis with friends. Throughout high school, I won a couple graphic contest and work in my school store creating, pressing, and selling t-shirts for many events. At the beginning of the year, I originally wanted to study computer science. After my first semester, I knew I wanted to express the creative side inside of me and transitioned into DTC. I had talked to my professor, updated her with how I was doing, and told her about my interest. She referred me to this major and showed me the job opportunities, which eventually convinced to change my major. I hope to someday work as a graphic designer or in the video production industry. I have always taken interest in the digital technology world and want to grasp more knowledge of this life changing technology. I have created this blog for my Communication 210 course at Washington State University. It is currently my second semester at WSU and i am excited to start this new blog. Also, I am excited to meet new people within the course and learn about the adobe software’s.