Draft Logo

beezy-logoI chose to create this logo for my hypothetical company called Beezy Boards. I wanted to show how this company is connected worldwide and offers a variety of services. I saw many companies didn’t try promote and emphasize their participation worldwide which people like to see. I wanted this logo to promote those connections, hence the world in the background. The main tools I used to create the logo were the shape building tool, type and pen tool.  I did not use any other photos for this logo, it was created from scratch with the tools at hand. The world I created was a serious of points in which I tried to duplicate the continents. I then moved the points around the edges best I could to align with the world in the background and grouped the images. I then created a little banner type stripe for my logo name and placed my brand name over it, and grouped it. The board I created at the bottom was created with the oval shape tool. I typed board in the shape with the area text tools and found a unique, intriguing graphic style for the board which I used but changed colors. The hardest part of this creation was starting the project. I started off by creating the world first and tried placing objects over and finishing onward like that, but I learned that does not work so well like it did in photo shop. I learned that you have to create each little individual piece by itself and slowly work your way up. It helped my preciseness through the creation of this logo, which is still a working progress. Overall,  it was a rocky start at first, but as I got more familiarized with the program and things started flowing, the final draft was as a good start to a great logo.

Author: gonzog97

DTC Major w/ Minor Business

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